The AG, IGP and Musa Aman vs Najib, Shafie and the MACC (UPDATED with Chinese Translation)

“They have been manipulating the timber concessions and deals from Yayasan Sabah for themselves rather than channeling the money back to Umno HQ. If he doesn’t put a stop to it, there won’t be anything left for him. It is as simple as that.”


By Malaysia Chronicle

The dirt is out! It is the Attorney-General Gani Patail that the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission is trying to prod into prosecuting several people believed to be close associates of Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman for their alleged role in a giant money-laundering scheme.

“That is why there have been so many unconfirmed news reports about highly-placed individuals close to Musa Aman being arrested. The leaks are coming from the MACC. It doesn’t want to show its hand yet, but it wants to send a very strong message to Gani and to IGP Musa Hassan,” a source told Malaysia Chronicle.

According to the source, Prime Minister Najib Razak – who has direct control over the MACC – does not want to offend Musa Aman. He is afraid of stirring up a huge negative political reaction from Sabah Umno should he press too swiftly and too hard.

“Obviously Najib is not doing this because he is really out to fight corruption but these people have gotten out of hand,” the source said.

“They have been manipulating the timber concessions and deals from Yayasan Sabah for themselves rather than channeling the money back to Umno HQ. If he doesn’t put a stop to it, there won’t be anything left for him. It is as simple as that.”

Lending credence to the talk of trouble brewing between Najib and Musa Aman is the recent call by Sabah Umno Youth to give Khairy Jamaluddin a cabinet post. Khairy – the national Youth chief – is also the son-in-law of former premier Abdullah Badawi, and Musa Aman is a Badawi loyalist.

The highly unusual call to the PM was seen as a signal from the Sabah leader that he would retaliate if the federal government kept pressuring him.

“The PM, the AG and the MACC must come clean on this matter because it involves Malaysia’s good name. The money laundering activities are just too high-profile to be suppressed and the ICAC is already hot on the trail,” PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Akin told Malaysia Chronicle.

“It is shameful to hear stories out of Sabah and even Hong Kong that being a fellow Sabahan, the AG wants to help Musa Aman. Gani must answer to Malaysians: is this true, did he or did he not meet with the Hong Kong ICAC and was he trying to persuade them not to probe further into the case?”

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