Khairy says time to drop media licensing law

(TMI) KUALA LUMPUR, June 14 — Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin today urged the government to abolish media licensing in the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 by setting up a National Media Council to handle the industry.

The Rembau MP said it was high time for the government consider either amending or abolishing the law due to the increasing popularity of alternative media channels.

“Let the issue of licensing be handled by an independent body like in the UK whereby the media themselves regulate the industry.

“I think this is advisable for the government so that credibility (in the media) is viewed more positively,” Khairy said during Question Time in parliament today.

He had earlier also asked the Information, Communication and Culture Ministry on the status of the formation of the council.

Deputy minister Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum in his reply to the House, however, deflected the question of abolishment, saying it was under the purview of the Home Affairs Ministry and said the formation of the council had been deferred.

“My ministry is of the opinion that the formation of such a council would indeed help the government and our country indirectly in regulating the content in online media.

“The formation of the council has, however, been delayed for the committee, represented by numerous media practitioners, are still finalising the details,” he said.

In a supplementary question, Dr Dzulkefly Ahmad (PAS-Kuala Selangor) asked the ministry to explain why the Kelantan and Selangor governments had failed to obtain licences to operate their own radio stations.

“In Kelantan, even after 20 years, the application for these licences failed,” he pointed out.

