Nizar may yet get a lifeline from BN reps

By Rahmah Ghazali, Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: Ousted former Perak menteri besar Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin said today that he may have found an avenue to get Perak out of its political impasse.

The Bukit Gantang MP alleged that several disgruntled Umno assemblymen have voiced their dissatisfaction with Menteri Besar Zambry Abdul Kadir’s administration and may leave BN.

“Lately, we’ve been hit with issues relating to Apco Worldwide and sports betting and a number of Umno’s veteran leaders from the division levels have personally confided in me.

“They expressed their dissatisfaction with Umno’s leadership, especially the prime minister who has approved certain matters that even Umno does not agree upon.

“We have heard that several of them have voiced their dissatisfaction with Zambry and there are rumours that they want to leave BN,” added Nizar.

He said that although Pakatan would welcome BN assemblymen who want to quit, he said that they should ideally leave the party and pave way for fresh elections.

“Or, force a motion of no confidence against Zambry and get him to dissolve the assembly,” he said.

“There are processes to be adhered to, that’s democracy,” said Nizar, whose administration was toppled after three Pakatan assemblymen quit to become ‘BN-friendly’ independents.


