Sabahans Have Become Beggars In Their Own Land?

Where has all the wealth gone to? As one of the largest oil producing state in the country, Sabah should be the most developed state in Malaysia, yet Musa Aman alongside his UMNO/BN comrades are talking about the Federal Government’s generosity to Sabah.

By Ronnie Klassen

Sabah’s Chief Minister Musa Aman exalts Prime Minister Najib’s concern for Sabah in the 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP) as displayed through the Federal Government’s generosity to the state.He is not the first Chief Minister to ‘shoe polish the testicles” of a Prime Minister and surely will not be the last.

What irks Sabahans the most is,we’ve been hearing all this glorifying statements about development for the last 47 years and we’re still hearing the same song over and over again. What’s equally baffling is their call for an effective and sustainable Bumiputra economic participation,special attention will be given to bumiputras in Sabah,the question is which bumiputra’s is UMNO/BN referring to – The Dayaks, Kadazans, Eurasians or just plain Malay Bumiputra’s or worse the recent migrants or ‘maggie-mee’ bumis who get instant citizenship and bumi status?

Anyone with a clear conscience will attest that it is mind boggling,for a state rich in oil, timber, oil palm and tourism to be currently the second poorest state in the country. Where has all the wealth gone to? As one of the largest oil producing state in the country, Sabah should be the most developed state in Malaysia, yet Musa Aman alongside his UMNO/BN comrades are talking about the Federal Government’s generosity to Sabah.

The Federal Government should be thanking Sabah, Sarawak,Terengganu and Kelantan for it’s generosity in developing Malaysia to what it is today. Musa Aman and his entire bandwagon of infidels in UMNO/BN Sabah should immediately admit themselves into the nearest mental hospital or better yet, dissolve the state legislative assembly.Let us see if they still have the support of the people.
Is Sabah BEGGING for development? It surely appears so.Sabahans have become beggers in their own land.

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