S’wak EC rapped over directive to Iban chiefs

By Roselind Jarrow, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: The Sarawak Dayak Iban Association (Sadia) has slammed the Sarawak Election Commission director Takun Sunggah for his ignorance over Iban customs.

Association president Sidi Munan said Sunggah was wrong to say that the longhouse chiefs had the right to accept or reject visitors including political voters canvassing for votes during the election campaign.

Describing the Iban ‘adat’, or custom, as one of absolute hospitality, he said: “Sunggah’s remarks can be regarded as interfering with the Iban ‘adat’ in allowing or disallowing visitors to come to a longhouse during election times.

“There is no such thing in the Iban custom. Iban customs is inviting and hospitable.“

He said Sunggah was sending out the wrong signal’s to the longhouses when he issued such a statement.

“Coming from an official of the election commission, it will be regarded as an official statement from the government,” said Munan, who was alluding to Sunggah’s comments in a local daily following the Sibu-by-election.

The EC has been riddled with controversy involving its handling of the postal votes and its not so subtle directive to longhouses in the constituency.

Election campaigners from opposition coalition Pakatan Rakyat were reportedly shocked and surprised when several longhouses had denied them entry but allowed BN vehicles and canvassers.

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A specific case in point was during voting day in Tanjung Penusu when BN vehicles were allowed in and opposition’s were out of bounds.

“Not all the people in the longhouse support the BN. There are I am sure, others who are supporters of the opposition,” said Munan.

Meanwhile a posting in a popular blog Sarawak Indigenious News Community has also slammed Sunggah for his directive.


