1Malaysia not about melding races

By New Straits Times

THE 1Malaysia concept, which focuses on unity, differs from the concept of assimilation practised in other countries.

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak said under the assimilation concept, the identity of ethnic races was replaced with a national identity.

“However, 1Malaysia appreciates and respects the ethnic identity of every race in Malaysia and treats it as an asset that we all can be proud of,” he replied to a question by Wee Choo Keong (independent-Wangsa Maju).

Wee had asked Najib to define 1Malaysia since Malaysians continue to have categories for Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera.

Wee wanted to know whether the New Economic Model (NEM) would create a just society.

Najib said the 1Malaysia concept took into consideration the spirit of the Federal Constitution and Rukun Negara.

Najib said there was no problem with the Bumiputera and non-Bumiputera classifications as they were in the Constitution.

“What’s important is that unity under 1Malaysia is supported by acceptance, principles from the Constitution and Rukun Negara, as well as social justice.”

Najib said NEM reduced income disparity.

It has three goals: high-income nation, sustainability and inclusiveness.

“There is a need to restructure society as there is a big gap between the bottom 40 per cent and the top 20 per cent.”

NEM will improve the income of the bottom 40 per cent through training programmes, quality of education, giving small- and medium-sized enterprises access to funds, and giving them access to technology and fund
