Tian Chua’s sentence reduced, no by-election
By Teoh El Sen, Free Malaysia Today
FMT ALERT KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here today has rejected Batu MP Tian Chua’s appeal against his conviction for biting a policeman, upholding a magistrate’s decision, but has reduced the sentence for the offence to effectively quash all talk of a possible by-election.
Judge Ghazali Cha this afternoon set aside the magistrate court’s decision and reduced the fine to RM2,000 and two months’ jail in default.
Tian Chua was originally jailed for six months and fined RM3,000 after he was found guilty of the offence.
In delivering his sentence, Ghazali said:”A Member of Parliament is the head of an area and should be a role model for the people.”