Taibs’ Lucrative Links with Ontario Government

In with the Government in Canada  

The Taib family’s local acumen in channelling government expenditure into their business activities appears to have extended into Canada, according to the information gathered by Sarawak Report into their Canadian property empire.  

Locating at Sakto

Their company Sakto’s success in attracting tenancies from state organisations funded by the Canadian tax payer can only be described as enviably impressive.  Their string of developments appear to be a magnet for government bodies in search of office space.  Plaques outside Sakto’s key buildings testify to their trusted status as landlords to Provincial and Federal Government agencies.  

Most noticeable is the mass occupancy by no less than eleven Ontario Government Ministries at the company’s Preston Square site.  According to an official press release in 2007  by the Ontario Realty Corporation, the provincial government body responsible for locating offices, these are the:   


        –  Ministry of the Attorney General  

        –  Ministry of Children and Youth Services  

        –  Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration  

        –  Ministry of Community and Social Services  

        –  Ministry of Culture  

        –  Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care  

        –  Ministry of Health Promotion  

Impressive List of Tenants

        –  Ministry of Labour  

        –  Ministry of Tourism

        –  Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities  

        –  Ministry of Transportation.  

Indeed, the Ontario Realty Corporation itself is listed as an occupant on the plaque of the complex’s ‘Tower III’ building. 


