Tsu Koon, Si Pin could contest if Batu declared vacant

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 18 — Amid the confusion over PKR man Chua Tian Chang’s status as Batu MP, Gerakan is already preparing to field candidates to contest the urban seat should a by-election be called.

The Batu constituency was a Gerakan stronghold before the political tsunami of 2008 which saw Pakatan Rakyat (PR) deny ruling coalition Barisan Nasional (BN) its two-thirds majority in Parliament.

Nothing is final at this point, because we still do not know whether Tian Chua will keep his seat or not. But if he loses it, Gerakan is interested in fielding its candidates,” said a Gerakan insider.

The Malaysian Insider understands that the matter has been discussed among the party’s top leadership and a list of names has been proposed.

“There is a list of names, I cannot remember them all but I know that two names that are definitely up for major consideration are Gerakan president Tan Sri Dr Koh Tsu Koon (picture) and Youth chief Lim Si Pin,” said the party source.

Koh is currently a Cabinet minister and senator and the former chief minister of Penang. He stepped down as CM in 2008 to contest the Batu Kawan parliamentary seat, but lost to DAP’s P. Ramasamy.

Lim, the son of former Gerakan president Tun Dr Lim Keng Yaik, contested against Chua for the Batu constituency in 2008. Chua won with a 9,455-vote majority.

“Tan Sri (Koh) has expressed interest to run… but then again this is still at a preliminary level. Gerakan would still have to discuss with the BN leadership council, this has not been discussed with them yet.

“But there is confidence that we can win the seat back for BN. Many things have happened since 2008, the rakyat want someone who can represent their best interests,” added the source.

If a by-election is called and a Gerakan candidate wins the Batu seat, it would be a much-needed morale boost for the BN component party which is struggling to retain relevance among voters.

Gerakan now has only two MPs — Wanita chief Datuk Tan Lian Hoe (Grik) and Liang Teck Meng (Simpang Renggam).

Chua, popularly referred to as Tian Chua, had his original fine of RM3,000 or six months’ jail reduced to RM2,000 or two months’ jail in his appeal to the High Court over a charge of biting a police officer during a protest in 2007.

Just as the PKR loyalist was about to celebrate the decision, however, questions were raised over whether the reduction in the fine was enough to allow him to keep his Batu seat.

