Whither Malays? ‘Immature’ Dr M pens sequel

(Free Malaysia Today) – Former Umno president Dr Mahathir Mohamad has penned a sequel to his “Minority Malays” saga following a stinging attack from an academic, who said that the 84-year-old statesman does not have a matured mindset.

In his latest blog posting titled ‘Melayu Kemana 2’ (Whither Malays), Mahathir, with a dollop of sarcasm, admitted that he lacked mental maturity as pointed out by Universiti Malaya law lecturer Prof Azmi Sharom.

“I forgot that 60% out of 100% is the majority. The Malays in Malaysia make up 60% of the 27 million Malaysians. They are not a minority,” he said.

However, Mahathir reiterated that the Malays are split three ways, in terms of their support for Umno, PAS and PKR.

“If the split is equal, it means that each party has 20% (of the 60%). Even if some parties have more (members and supporters), the percentage cannot be higher than 50%.

“Figures show that PAS has more than 50% Malay voter support and 50% of 60% (pecentage of Malays in the country) is 30%,” he said, adding that the 30% was divided between Umno and PKR.

From an overall perspective, he said, the 60% Malays are divided among these three parties, which are at loggerheads with one another, thus rendering them weak.


