10th Malaysia Plan – The Great March Backward?

Dr. Dzulkefly Ahmad

Despite admission of the malaise of the NEP, PM Najib is now at risk to be not only dubbed the ‘Flip-Flopper PM’ but now also seen and perceived as leading the 10th MP on the Great March Backward. When I debated the 10-MP in the parliament accusing the PM of making a U-turn, I knew I wasn’t alone.

Now evidently seen as relenting to Perkasa and his former boss, Tun, Najib failed to dismantle and debunk conclusively the rent-seeking provision of the NEP in the new 10-MP. He could only cosmetically paraphrase these policies using terminologies like market-friendly, merits-based etc.

Needless to say that ‘affirmative actions’ intended to eradicate poverty particularly of the needy of the bumiputera Malays, Sabah and Sarawak would surely be supported. But repeating the mistake of using the pretext of ‘affirmative actions’ but in actual fact only to be abused by political elites working hand-in-gloves with business cronies are both counter-productive and criminal.

This writer firmly believes that in order to propel this nation to be in the league of the high performing economies and to attain competitiveness, the 10-MP must totally reflect the ‘inclusivity’ and earnestness to do it differently.  The 10 MP must have already embraced and exudated such pro-reform policies.

As for now the chorus of critics and contempt could only be expected to become louder and rowdier. Nazir, Najib’s younger brother is now leading the charge against such reversion and retrogression. Read this piece from The Malaysianinsider.

READ MORE HERE: http://drdzul.wordpress.com/

