2009 Human Rights Report

Recently, I came across THIS SITE which has uploaded the Human Rights Report 2009 compiled by HINDRAF and written by Waytha Moorthy Ponnusamy, Chairman of HINDRAF, on Human Rights Violations Against the Ethnic Minority Malaysian Indians.

This report was presented at a briefing for foreign and diplomatic missions in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 26th March 2010. It is not a very long report but contains valuable information that many of us may not be aware of. Besides, it is always helpful to know how others feel about their cause so that we can better understand their motivation, mission and passion.

The report begins by providing brief historical background information on Malaysia and then it zooms in on recent events and political developments noting the 2008 tsunami.

The second section on Human Rights offers an overview of three important observations from the USSD 2006 Country Report on Malaysia, Amnesty International (AI) 2007 Annual Report and Human Rights Watch World Report 2007.

Section Three on Law Justice & the Federal Constitution begins with an overview on who HINDRAF is challenging in its cause and also provides some statistics and court cases (including that of P. Uthayakumar is currently standing trial for Sedition charges, and the high number of fatalities in detention) complied by Human Rights Party, Malaysia.

The fourth section of the report focuses on Security Forces and discusses various concerns including involvement in Crime & Summary Killings of Indians Suspects of Criminal Activities. The report said that in the last 18 years, crime rate has increased by 300%!!


