Tian Chua still MP, for now

By Debra Chong, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, June 21 — The High Court confirmed today its ruling last week to fine PKR’s Chua Tian Chang RM2,000 for biting a policeman in 2007, leaving the politician’s status as MP open to challenge.

Judge Datuk Ghazali Cha met with Chua’s lawyers as well as the prosecution in his chambers this morning and made clear his intention to lower the fine from RM3,000 to RM2,000 was to prevent a by-election taking place.

“Nothing has changed,” Chua’s lawyer, Ranjit Singh, told reporters after exiting the judge’s chambers.

“The judge confirmed he is functus officio,” Ranjit added, explaining that the Latin term means the judge’s ruling announced in open court last Thursday has been put on paper, signed and sealed.

“We take the view that Tian Chua is not disqualified. If any party takes a different view, they can take it to court,” the lawyer stressed.


