Who to believe, the IGP or the Mail?

So if I am a bigwig official and to put pressure on some people I tell you some things and you print it in good faith and the next day I deny it then the story becomes false news?

By uppercaise

Enemies of the Press
No 8 in a series

Musa Hassan, Inspector-General of Police
Bakri Zinin, director of CID

Four months after The Star pulled a column off its web site under heavy criticism, the Malay Mail has pulled the same stunt, yanking an exclusive front-page splash after a complaint by the police.

Not just the police, but the head of police. The Inspector-General of Police (or PIG as his many law-abiding fans on the Internet lovingly refer to him).

Not just any old complaint either. The man… err, the feller… quoted directly in the Mail’s exclusive last Monday then denies in a late-night statement that anyone had spoken to him at all.

That’s as good as saying the reporter, Jonathan Fernandez, had lied or made up the story.

And The Star, gloating the next day, quotes Bakri Zinin, director of CID, to say criminal investigations had begun on the Mail for publishing “false news”.

Can you beat that? According to the police then, this lowly crime reporter dared to cook up, fabricate, pull out of thin air, and put into print, actual words that he says he heard coming out of the mouth of the IGP.

One heck of a daring guy.

If you believe the police.

They never lie, do they?

So if I am a bigwig official and to put pressure on some people I tell you some things and you print it in good faith and the next day I deny it then the story becomes false news?

Read more at: http://uppercaise.wordpress.com/2010/06/22/who-to-believe-the-igp-or-the-mail/
