The Launch of Friends of Pakatan Rakyat

Friends of Pakatan Rakyat (FPR) is being officially launched as an organisation to rally the support of Malaysians who share the vision of the Pakatan Rakyat coalition for a better Malaysia. The launch will be held on the Sunday 4th of July 2010 in London and officiated by Datuk Zaid Ibrahim, the Pakatan Rakyat Secretariat Coordinator.

Speakers at the event will also include the ineffable Raja Petra Kamarudin as well as speakers from PAS and DAP together with a number of civil society activists  sharing their experiences in shaping the agenda of change in Malaysia.

Naturally we would like to attract as many as possible particularly the “unconverted” to experience first hand the depth of support that currently exists globally amongst Malaysians living abroad particularly in the UK.  The Friends of Pakatan Rakyat (FOPR) movement is currently being duplicated in various countries throughout Europe, Canada, USA, New Zealand, Australia, Asia, etc.  The objective is to harness the global strength of highly qualified Malaysians and former Malaysians living and working abroad to tap into their expertise and financial strength in preparedness for GE 13.

Date:   Sunday 4th of July

Time:  10.30 am to 4pm.
                       Registration begins at 10am

Venue: Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, Holborn, London WC1R 4RL


The programme for the day is as follows:
1000    Registration
           Meet civil society activists

1100    Introduction & Welcome address by MC in the Main Hall

1110    Opening Address by Pro tem Chairman of Friends of Pakatan Rakyat – Brian Morais

1130    Speech by Raja Petra Kamarudin, Malaysia Today

1150    Speech by YB Dr Tan Seng Giaw, DAP Deputy Chairman and 7th Term MP Kepong 

1210    Introduction to Civil Society Movements
                Fair Comment
                Abolish ISA Movement UK
                Malaysia Freedom Film Festival

1225    Speech by Ustaz Idris Ahmad, Ketua Penerangan PAS

1245    Canapès & Lunch served by Mango Tree, Top Fine
           Cuisine Restaurant, Belgravia, London  … 

1400    Keynote speech by Pakatan Rakyat Secretariat Coordinator for PKR – Datuk Zaid Ibrahim

1430    Speech by YB Nurul Izzah Anwar,  PKR  MP for Lembah Pantai

1500    Q & A session

1630    End of Conference

This event will represent the largest gathering of overseas Malaysians max. possible 500 people, to demand a nation that we can all be proud and call home.

Do bring along your entire family.

For those with young children families, provisions will be made for a playroom and creche.

To join us on this momentous occasion, please indicate your interest by registering online at

Do register early as seats are limited and pass this invitation to your other friends.

Be part of the torch that lights the spirit of hope for Malaysia.


