Selangor backbenchers claim MACC probe politically motivated

By Neville Spykerman and Melissa Chi, The Malaysian Insider

Pakatan Rakyat (PR) backbenchers today slammed the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) for hauling up two of their colleagues for questioning yesterday.

The two were Sri Muda assemblyman Shuhaimi Shafiei and Batu Caves assemblyman Amirudin Shari, who were reportedly questioned on illegal sand mining in the state.

DAP’s Lau Weng San said the mode of the investigations appeared similar to what happened a year ago when MACC moved to investigate PR lawmakers, whose constituencies are in the Petaling district, for allegedly abusing their state allocations.

The Kampung Tunku assemblyman pointed out that Teoh Beng Hock had died following those investigations.

“We believe these investigations are politically motivated.”

He added that his colleagues could not reveal what transpired during the questioning because investigations are still under way.

Selangor PR backbencher chief Azmin Ali said the fresh investigations against his colleagues were tantamount to Barisan Nasional (BN) using the civil service to topple the state government.

Both Shuhaimi and Amirudin were present today at the press conference along with 12 of their backbench colleagues.

Their lawyers yesterday said both were questioned for between three and 3½ yesterday as witnesses and not as suspects.


