MACC right not to go to London, says Megat Najmuddin

“I am a bit sad. This whole thing has turned into a political game. It is ridiculous to go over there. The process will involve a lot of cost and a waste of taxpayers’ money,” he said after the MACC announced on Wednesday it had cancelled its plan to meet the private eye in London.

(Bernama) -The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) made the right decision in not going to London to record a statement from private investigator P Balasubramaniam, MACC advisory committee member Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas said here.

He said Balasubramaniam should instead come home and give the statement voluntarily to the authorities in relation to the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu.

“I am a bit sad. This whole thing has turned into a political game. It is ridiculous to go over there. The process will involve a lot of cost and a waste of taxpayers’ money,” he said after the MACC announced on Wednesday it had cancelled its plan to meet the private eye in London.

“Of course, we cannot force him to come back but it’s better that he comes back and gives his evidence voluntarily. Don’t play around anymore,” he said.

Megat Najmuddin, who is also president of the Malaysian Institute of Corporate Governance, is confident that the government would provide Balasubramaniam with the necessary protection.

He also called on political parties to stop using the issue of enforcement agencies for their own gain.

“Law and order should not be compromised. Enforcement agencies need to stay away from this,” he said.

Balasubramaniam created a controversy when he announced on July 3, 2008, that he would announce his sworn affidavit on the murder of Altantuya.

However, the next day, he withdrew the affidavit and issued a second one at a media conference before disappearing with his family.

Yesterday, MACC investigations director Mustafar Ali said the MACC had sent questions to Balasubramaniam’s lawyer, Americk Singh Sidhu, through a courier.

He said Americk Singh had agreed to send the answers to the MACC as soon as possible.

“Balasubramaniam’s lawyer, via an e-mail, on Thursday agreed to submit the questions to him and also agreed that the questions be sent through a courier,” Mustafar said.

