Return for statement, PI Bala told

Earlier, MACC had fixed July 5 to July 7 to record the statement abroad. However, on Wednesday, MACC deputy commissioner Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull said this would not be the case following advice from the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

(The Star) – P. Balasubramaniam has been urged to return to Malaysia and assist the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Agency over his claims that there was conspiracy behind Altantuya Shaariibuu’s murder.

MACC advisory board member Tan Sri Megat Najmuddin Megat Khas said there was no need for commission officers to interview the private investigator in London as he is not a suspect.

“Since Bala is willing to talk to MACC and tell his side of the story, he can return to Malaysia and give his statement,” he said yesterday.

Earlier, MACC had fixed July 5 to July 7 to record the statement abroad.

However, on Wednesday, MACC deputy commissioner Datuk Mohd Shukri Abdull said this would not be the case following advice from the Attorney-General’s Chambers.

The commission would instead list down the questions and ensure that the answers provided were in the form of an affidavit.

Megat Najmuddin said MACC should not incur expenses conducting these in London.

“Why should MACC pay for air tickets and accommodation for this?” he asked.

Bala, Amarjit and RPK – waiting for MACC to turn up on Monday, unless they get cold feet and chicken out

MACC director of investigations Mustafar Ali said the list of questions for Balasubramaniam to answer had been sent to London by courier as requested by his lawyer Amarjit Singh.

“Amarjit had, via e-mail, agreed to our suggestion to have Bala answer the written questions by way of an affidavit,” he said.

Balasubramaniam, or PI Bala as he is popularly known, had gone into hiding in 2008 after releasing two contradicting statutory declarations related to the Altantuya murder case.

“We were not informed of Bala’s whereabouts but his lawyer requested us to submit the questions to a London address,” he said.

