The Sword of Damocles Strikes Again


It is quite alarming that when certain issues are reported, the whistle blowers have to face a lot of flak and risk losing their platform of discussion while some seem to have an invisible shield of protection whereby almost nothing can happen to them as they thrive in spewing racist remarks that could create disunity and disharmony.

By Masterwordsmith

It is common knowledge that our MSM is not as free as some claim or think. The Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 is the sword of Damocles that indirectly controls news and media organisations as they require the annual permits issued by the Home Ministry to continue publishing which the Home Minister may “in his absolute discretion revoke or suspend such licence for any period he considers desirable”.

Today, various online news portals have reported that our Home Ministry suspended Suara Keadilan‘s publishing permit for running foul of the Printing Presses and Publication Act (PPPA).
According to Free Malaysia Today, that the ministry’s Al-Quran and Text Control department secretary Zaitun Samad said that the decision was made after reviewing the PKR organ’s answer to the ministry’s show-cause letter on Tuesday.

The ministry had asked Suara Keadilan to give an explanation regarding thearticle in its June 22-29 edition about the financial status of Federal Land and Development Agency (Felda). As such, the Home Minstry did not renew its annual publishing permit which expired yesterday. You can read more about it HERE or HERE.

On June 29th, Malaysiakini reported HERE that PKR organ Suara Keadilan was attempting to buy time to explain itself, albeit risking losing its publications permit by not replying to show-cause letters by 5pm today. Chief editor Dzulkarnain Taib said that was because they had no copies of the letters letters, issued by the Home Ministry in January, February and April respectively.

The ministry reportedly sent Suara Keadilan three show-cause letters prior to the one on its Felda article, which was sent on June 28. The publisher of Suara Keadilan said it did not receive any of the three earlier letters and was not provided with copies when these were requested.

According to Malaysiakini:

When contacted, Dzulkarnain confirmed that they had received the letter and will respond accordingly.

“Their letter did not specifically say why they were dissatisfied… We will reply, but our explanation would not be much different from what we previously stated,” he said.

He also questioned why the ministry had decided to stop them from printing when the decision was still under review.

“The ministry has even sent a letter to our printer to stop them from printing our next edition. It’s very strange. By right, there should be an interim period because a decision has not been made.

“This gives people the impression that the ministry is under pressure to act, and that Suara Keadilan is targeted because of its connection to PKR leader Anwar Ibrahim,” he said.

He added that they have yet to receive copies of the three show-cause letters sent prior to June 28, and that he will be in touch with Zaitun to get further clarification over why the ministry is dissatisfied.

Ironically, The Nut Graph reported HERE a very interesting discussion about controlling the media. Jacqueline Ann Surin said that whether or not media controls have worsened, one thing is certain: the evidence demonstrates that media control continues under Najib’s administration. Click HERE to read the examples that she gave about a year ago.

On June 14th this year, FMT reported that Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin today called for the Printing Presses and Publications Act 1984 (PPPA) to be repealed, snubbing his peers in Barisan Nasional. The Rembau MP said the powers to decide on media matters should be within the jurisdiction of the government’s proposed National Media Council.

“It is time that the government consider amending or abolishing the act and bring it with the ambit of an independent body like in the UK where the media governs itself,” said Khairy.

While it is commendable that KJ made such a statement, I believe Malaysians are very familiar with the way the PPPA has been used to wield control over the MSM and any other media which does not comply with requirements. There is no use whining about how unfair it is because the situation will persist as long as BN is in control of the government.

At the same time, I cannot wonder why they still want to use old methods that only result in backlash from the citizens. Such a move ensures that PKR gains brownie points and the opposite might happen for the status quo. The signs seem to show that things are not really in order.

While there are rumors about an imminent snap elections, such a move would erode the rakyat’s patience with BN and compel many, especially the fence-sitters to swing to the Opposition. It is quite alarming that when certain issues are reported, the whistle blowers have to face a lot of flak and risk losing their platform of discussion while some seem to have an invisible shield of protection whereby almost nothing can happen to them as they thrive in spewing racist remarks that could create disunity and disharmony.

