Zaid needs to clarify on Hhis relationship with Raja Petra

“We are wondering that while we are looking around for Raja Petra, yesterday we saw a photograph of Zaid with him. So, who is actually behind Raja Petra?”

(Bernama) — The Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) leadership particularly Datuk Zaid Ibrahim should clarify to the people the relationship between him and the editor of the ‘Malaysia Today’ news portal, Raja Petra Kamarudin.

Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein said if Zaid, who is a member of the PKR Central Leadership Council, were a responsible person, he would offer an explanation on the matter.

“We are wondering that while we are looking around for Raja Petra, yesterday we saw a photograph of Zaid with him. So, who is actually behind Raja Petra?”

“Raja Petra is criticising the country abroad and making personal attacks on (our) leaders, it’s alright if he has the proof. But he says many things in his blog. When there are top opposition leaders with them, they have to explain the relationship between them and Raja Petra,” he said.

Hishammuddin, who is also the Umno vice-president and Terengganu Umno chairman, said this to reporters after opening the Hulu Terengganu Umno division meeting, here Saturday.

Raja Petra went missing and did not turn up in court after two warrants of arrest were issued on him for failing to attend court on April 23 and May 23 for the hearing on the publication of the seditious article on the wife of the Prime Minister, Datin Seri Rosmah Mansor in the website ‘Malaysia Today’.

According to Hishammuddin, the authorities had no report on how Raja Petra had left the country whereas his passport had been surrendered.

“We don’t know which passport he was using. If we were to bring him back from England, we have to seek the cooperation of the UK (United Kingdom) police but now, it is obvious that they will not cooperate with us,” he said.

Hishammuddin said it was too early to determine whether the authorities would carry out an investigation on Zaid at this moment.

“But in terms of politics, moral and the law, he (Zaid) should make a clarification to us,” he added.

On another matter, the minister said stern action including the suspension of the publication ‘Suara Perkasa’ would be taken if the explanation given by its editor on the publication of the article ‘Tahan Ka Siong Bawah ISA’, was not satisfactory.

He said the ministry would not compromise with anyone who tried to slander and create a polemic on racial and religious issues.

Hishammuddin said the Home Ministry was responsible for taking action against anyone who posed a threat to national security.

He also refuted the allegation that the ministry was giving special treatment to Suara Perkasa compared to Suara Keadilan.

The Home Ministry had earlier decided not to renew the publication permit for Suara Keadilan which ended at the end of last month as it was dissatisfied with the clarification given by the newspapers’ management on several issues.
