Muhyiddin slams Malays who question govt policies

(Bernama) BATU PAHAT: Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin has lashed out at Malays who questioned government policies, saying such actions could pose a threat to the struggles of Umno and Barisan Nasional.

He said that these groups of Malays had been questioning the position of the Malay Rulers, the Malay language as the national language and the efforts to enhance the economic well-being of the Malays.

“The Malays should be united under one umbrella to ensure the agenda to develop them is achieved.

“We will never be able to achieve it if we are disunited,” he said when opening the Parit Sulong Umno division meeting here Sunday.

Muhyiddin said these groups of Malays supported the Opposition, particularly the DAP.

“The DAP labelled me as ‘ultra Malay’ for fighting for the interests of the Malays when, in fact, it is (DAP parliamentary leader) Lim Kit Siang who is more racist,” he said.

The Umno deputy president said that in this challenging situation, the Malays, especially Umno, should unite and double efforts not only to strengthen the party but also in implementing the transformation plan so that Umno would continue to be accepted by the people.

He also called for continuous efforts to improve the party, saying the transformation plan to face the coming 13th general election had not been moving as speedily as it should be at the divisional level.

He said party members should carry out the transformation process to make the party relevant to the Malays and the people in general. – Bernama
