Najib: Four factors affecting public view of Umno

The Malaysian Insider


PEKAN, July 4 — Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak has outlined four important factors that influence the attitude of the people on Umno and their aspirations for the party in championing their cause.

He said the first factor was whether the people were satisfied with the leadership at the national, state, divisional and branch levels with regard to the programmes implemented.

Najib, who is also the Umno president, said the implementation of policies and the decisions made would be taken by the people as a yardstick in improving service to the local community.

“The second factor is how the state leadership manages land applications, whether the land is to be opened up, housing matters and other issues which are related to the leadership at the state level,” he said in his winding up speech at delegates meeting of the Pekan Umno division, here today.

He said the third factor was the party leadership at the grassroots, branch and divisional levels which would be assessed by the people in terms of their management and whether the people were satisfied, like the evaluation made at the national level.

The last factor was the role played by the elected representatives, whether they fulfilled the aspirations of the people, he said.

Najib said a political tsunami would occur if these four factors turned out to be negative factors where the people were dissatisfied with the leadership at the national, state, party and constituency levels.

“Thus, I call on all party leaders, whether at the grassroots or divisional levels, to discharge their responsibilities in the interest of the rakyat,” he said.



