No way for any true Malaysian to act or talk

In a modern multi-racial, multi-cultural Malaysia, their chauvinistic style cannot be accepted or condoned. To make this clear to all, as well as to deter other wanton attempts at undermining the 1Malaysia concept, a firm official response is warranted.

It is all too evident that their typically callous and contentious approach to Malaysia’s nation-building project amounts to rejecting, opposing and attacking it. In the process, such champions of impudence seem oblivious to the harm they invariably foist upon our nation.

The Star Editorial

FOR many, the plight of Suara Perkasa newsletter over its demand that MCA Youth chief Datuk Dr Wee Ka Siong be held under the ISA is voluntary and deserved.

The editor concerned had reportedly met Home Ministry officials on Friday to try to explain away his decision to publish the commentary. He is scheduled to report to the ministry again tomorrow for more explanations.

It does not matter who the Perkasa NGO or any of its derivations happens to target at any particular time. What does matter, however, is the inflammatory manner in which they choose to pursue their particular agenda.

In a modern multi-racial, multi-cultural Malaysia, their chauvinistic style cannot be accepted or condoned. To make this clear to all, as well as to deter other wanton attempts at undermining the 1Malaysia concept, a firm official response is warranted.

It is all too evident that their typically callous and contentious approach to Malaysia’s nation-building project amounts to rejecting, opposing and attacking it. In the process, such champions of impudence seem oblivious to the harm they invariably foist upon our nation.

The very nature of the Malaysian nation depends, sometimes precariously, on a sensitive and advised approach to treating issues of inter-community relations. Using ill will to accuse others of bad intent is to set a sorry example for all decent, well-meaning Malaysians.

The claim that championing one’s own community interests need not diminish another community’s interests is blatantly hollow in the Perkasa “model”. If only that were true, some of its adherents would not be in the mess they are in now.

The essential subtleties and implications of harmony and unity in diversity may escape the comprehension of chauvinists. But what is inescapable is the fact that theirs is an anti-social attitude that is particularly dangerous in our society.

Is it too much to expect Perkasa and its ilk to be more mature and considerate? Their words and actions will tell us.

In the past, the authorities have used the very instrument at issue, the ISA, to clamp down on these incendiary provocations. As before, it is for the authorities to decide how they should handle this matter today.

