Zaid-RPK link: PKR says Hisham confused, it’s embarrassing …

By Wong Choon Mei, Malaysia Chronicle

Pakatan Rakyat leaders fired salvos at Home Minister Hishamuddin Hussein, questioning his motives for picking on PKR co-ordinator Zaid Ibrahim for having met fugitive blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin in London recently.

“I think Hishammuddin is confused and I find it embarrassing for a minister to show such a lack of understanding for what is a personal issue and that is the choice of friends,” PKR vice-president Sivarasa Rasiah told Malaysia Chronicle.

“If Zaid wants to meet RPK, really, that’s his business. If I am in London, I would also go and meet RPK for a cup of tea. We are friends and why shouldn’t we meet? If the government thinks that RPK has done something wrong, then they should go after him. But the problem is they don’t and at the same time, they don’t anyone to meet or talk with him either. Isn’t that ridiculous?”

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