Zaid to meet RPK again

(Free Malaysia Today) – PKR leader Zaid Ibrahim has announced that he will meet Raja Petra Kamarudin again next week. In his latest posting on, he writes: “I will be in London next week and, God willing, I will meet Marina dan Petra.” Marina is the wife of the exiled blogger.

The article, entitled “Poor Zahrain; so pathetic”, is a reaction to PKR defector Zahrain Mohamad Hashim’s allegation that Zaid was giving Raja Petra financial support.

Here is a translation of the article:

“Representatives of the people should speak up when they have ideas pertinent to national policy, and they must be courageous in criticising government decisions. These are the very duties and responsibilites that a Yang Berhormat must shoulder.

These burdens are especially compelling for a representative of the people who claims to be independent and who is so liked by PM Najib Tun Razak. Come on, surely we must maintain some standard. Or people will say we are mere bootlickers with nothing significant to bring up in the Dewan.

So, was I surprised to hear that my meeting with Raja Petra in Manchester last year has become such an issue to the YB of Bayan Baru! It’s as if he has become a Special Branch agent, proud to reveal that I stayed at the Hotel Britannia with Raja Petra last year.

He says the MACC should investigate the meeting. So this is how our pro-BN Wakil Rakyat works these days. Nothing else to raise. If he had only asked me, I would have told him more than he knows. Listen YB, it is not wrong to meet Raja Petra. You too can go to his house Manchester.


