UMNO/BN are you delusional? What is the fuss about RPK?


How does RPK affect the UMNO-led government that has been doing the same shit in exaggerating the truth since Dr Mahathir came into the picture?

By R.Shan (Human Being)

So if RPK is ready to support a cause that can highlight the grievances of the nation and its malfeances, what is the big deal, UMNO/BN?

Sure, at times, the opposition and some larger than life characters exaggerate the truth and reality on the ground but how does this affect the UMNO-led government that has been doing the same shit since Dr Mahathir came into the picture to suppress the growth of the nation?

The public had no problem with other Malay or non Malay leaders who were predecessors of the kuncu-kuncu of Dr Mahathir for a true Malaysian nation. Today, it is not a true Malaysian nation but one that is embedded with cronyism, nepotism and corruption as long the ruling class can maintain their hegemony over the masses irrespective whether it is a Malay, Chinese, Indian or a lain-lain. It is no more for the needy but one that is only what serves them to hold on to power over the masses.

Look at the statement of Mukhriz – only 40% what RPK says is the truth. Is he a fool or does he have a sudden urge for political importance? Let it be even 10% truth, but along the way it is some truth; and it is then for the public to gauge and decide how much truth is there looking at the affairs of the nation as masses go through this day in and day out not because what some politically inclined personality dictates it through their main media.

Then look at KJ’s statement, another lalang. What is convenient but not one of substance nor for the interest of either the people or the truth for the people.     

Then the icing in the cake, Bukit Aman CID chief Bakri Zinin. The police have a warrant of arrest on him issued by the court, so we have the power to arrest him anytime and anywhere, he said when contacted by Bernama. What, Bakri? You have been banging balls all this time? RPK has been away for almost a year and yet you can arrest him anytime and anywhere?

What are you waiting for?

Bad enough, the politicians are playing their games. Now we have government agents stating something as senile as this? Can you blame RPK running everyone in circles to show how inept the present government can be?

I think politicians from both equations should pay some attention and not treat individual Malaysians as fools any longer. RPK may have provided the platform for us to comment and write to voice our frustrations but what good is it when it ends at that. We, the public need to participate in activities that hold truth to the affairs of the day. Not one that will provide popular gossip in our kedai kopi.

RPK has given us enough ammunition, and so has HINDRAF, so we can continue to forge ahead to save Malaysia from all these hapless politicians who see nothing beyond how they can stay in power and be in control of the destiny of the people.

Unthinking respect and obeisance for authority is the greatest enemy of truth as that is what all politicians thrive on to serve their own needs.

