When 40% Truth Lies Beneath 60% Lies

Hanya separuh daripada kandungan rencana tulisan penulis blog yang melarikan diri ke luar negara Raja Petra Kamarudin adalah berdasarkan fakta, manakala selebihnya sengaja ditokok tambah, kata Timbalan Menteri Perdagangan Antarabangsa dan Industri Datuk Mukhriz Mahathir.

The above statement by the politician son of ole sage Tun Mahathir finally exposed the truth behind the fugitive blogger Raja Petra’s blogging on Malaysia Today.

40% truth and 60% fiction. Reminds one long ago of someone making a comment about Time magazine which was something like ‘reports factual events of a fictitious world” or ‘fiction of a real world’.

RPK’s spin is perhaps about factual people living in a make believe world or fake people making you believe they are real in their make believe stories, huh?

It would be interesting if Mukhriz would help all those legions of Malaysia Today and RPK followers to shift through, the fact and fiction.

Is it his characters are factual but the story about them lies or, the story is true of true characters or it is true but characters are make belief?

Or, everything is a modern version of ‘Alice in Wonderland’ entitled ‘RPK in BolehLand’ which if one has read Lewis Carroll’s Alice, may draw similar parallels to RPK’s jabberwocky similar to Lewis’ jabberwocky!

RPK’s writings in probably similar to Lewis’ jabberwocky* , “it seems to fill my head with truths– only I don’t know exactly where the 40% truth is and what they are…” as critics posit ‘although the strange words have no precise meaning, they seem to chime with subtle overtones.’

Perhaps Mukhriz being the UMNO politician who tells know lies is unable to understand Pete’s jabberwocky thinking RPK is nonsensically jabbing at jibby in his cocky ways!

40% true? Hmm don’t we need only 1% of a truth to blow up the lid off the 99% hidden away, huh? If there is an iota of doubt in the court of law, the case would be either won or lost depending on which side of the case one is.

So which 40% of RPK’s prose is true? That the government is corrupt, the real fellos who murdered the Mongolian lass, charges against him untrue, he is in London? Mukhriz probably believe 100% in the Hikayat Hang Tuah together with Ibrahim Ali and that Tee Abdullah cina-apek to take take on themselves as the modern Hang Tuah!

If only 40% of what RPK writes is true, pray RPK don’t write positive good things like the government is clean and free from corruption, noone should be implicated in the murder except the two charged, or the ISA is nobel and warranted on him, Pakatan fellos are as enthusiastic defending their respective races as the BN fellos, we would only be able to believe 40% as truth and the other lies then huh?

Mukhriz is kinda than his party fellos who gives RPK 100% for lies. Perhaps Mukhriz knows some hidden truth in RPK musings else how does he come up with the magic 40% of the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help us all? Or is Mukhriz going to be a politician he is and amend his truth to say ‘half truths’ or just ‘outright lie?’

So if he knows RPK writes 40% truth, the IGP and MACC should question him on every of RPK’s writing and try and squeeze out where the truth is and start their investigation back home. The London trip may after all be unnecessary and certainly save ‘taxpayers money’ if MACC can glean the 40% truth out of RPK’s writing on Bala’s SD from Mukhriz, huh?


