Do we have to wait till death?

The heroes always get killed before the people awake. It seems that evil always get their way first before it is overthrown by good. Will this happen to RPK or PI Bala?

By ViewAct

It was fate it seems, that I was sent off to Philippines to work and due to poor arrangements, was left stranded at the airport for a few hours. As I was bored with nothing to do, and I could not access the Internet, I walked around.

It was when I reached the departure hall that I noticed a statue erected at the entrance of Customs. At first sight, I thought it was the founder or some pioneer for the building of the airport but I was wrong. When I slowly approached the statue, I noticed the plaque below it. “Ninoy”, it says.


The rest is self explanatory. Just read the plaque and anyone would know what took place in Philippines in 1983.


When I slowly went through the words, my tears rolled for Ninoy. At the same time, my tears rolled for YM PRK, and all other heroes who dedicated their lives for the betterment of their people. Yet they were neutralized by the people who desired  the opposite – the destruction of the people and social betterment. The people who are greedy for power, cunning and selfish; who with their cronies worked and is working every single day and in every single way, even if those ways are illogical and unreasonable. They will do whatever they can to destroy the good, so that no one will expose their evil.

It happened everywhere, where the heroes always get killed before the people awake. It seems that evil always get their way first before it is overthrown by good.

My question to all Malaysian is – Do we want to see such things happen to our dear Malaysian heroes like YM RPK, like PI Bala, like DSAI? Do we need someone to be killed (either by physical assassination, or political assassination) before we realize it is too late?

The Philippines lost a great leader who might have relieved them of the turmoil of life back in 1983. Now, many of them live in hardship, taking the elevated highway as their roof, and a torn dirty mat as their carpet. Paper boxes as bedrooms, children allowing people to touch and molest them just for a few Pesos, etc. Could they have prevented Ninoy’s assassination, could they have overthrown the corrupted dictator earlier, they may enjoy a far better life now.

Dear Malaysian, do we need to wait till then to see all that is happening now? To realize our mistakes and regret indefinitely? Knowing we should have done something but didn’t?

Dear Malaysian, wake up and vote for change. For freedom, for justice, for a better future.
