Kit Siang demands report on MACC

The MACC was formed when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was prime minister and has been much criticised by opposition politicians and civil society.

It is widely perceived to be subservient to the Barisan Nasional. Some observers even see it as one of the tools the government uses against dissent.

By Syed Jaymal Zahiid, Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: DAP strongman Lim Kit Siang has demanded the release of a parliamentary committee’s report on the performance of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC).

Under the MACC Act, the Special Parliamentary Committee on Corruption must submit an annual report to the Prime Minister, who will then table it in Parliament for debate.

“It has been 18 months,” Lim said, referring to the time that has passed since the MACC was formed.

“The Special Committee has completed its report. The present Parliament sitting will end next week and there is no sign of the report.”

The committee’s chairman is Mohd Radzhi Sheikh Ahmad.

“Radzhi should ensure that his committee’s report is tabled in Parliament first thing Monday so that a full parliamentary debate could be held before Parliament adjourns sine die,” Lim said.

The MACC was formed when Abdullah Ahmad Badawi was prime minister and has been much criticised by opposition politicians and civil society.

It is widely perceived to be subservient to the Barisan Nasional. Some observers even see it as one of the tools the government uses against dissent.

