Ibrahim Ali tells Khairy to shut up or ship out

By Asrul Hadi Abdullah Sani, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 9 — Perkasa chief Datuk Ibrahim Ali has questioned Khairy Jamaluddin’s attacks on him, and asked the Umno Youth chief to either resign or shut up.

The Pasir Mas MP said his Rembau counterpart has become a liability to Umno over his reckless statements.

“I do not want to waste my time with this kid, Khairy, because today he was speaking nonsense and likened me to Wee Choo Keong.

“Is this the characters of a Youth chief that can bring back support to Umno. If these are his ways then I think he has become a liability to Umno because he talks without thinking.

“I am a veteran and experienced politician, and he wants to compare and accuse me as a chauvinist with narrow thinking but he is a global thinker,” he told reporters last night at PWTC.

Khairy yesterday called Wee a “substandard MP” on his Twitter microblog account and described the PKR turned independent lawmaker as the Chinese version of Ibrahim.

Khairy was making an apparent reference to the similarities between the Wangsa Maju MP and Ibrahim because both had been members of various political parties in their careers.

The fiery Perkasa chief was recently embroiled in bitter verbal spats with Khairy and MCA Youth chief Datuk Wee Ka Siong over Malay rights.

Ibrahim also said that Khairy did not have the political credibility to challenge him

“I am a fighter, [I] came from the bottom. Who is he? All of sudden [he] appeared in Umno because of his father-in-law became prime minister. Then in a short period, [he was] willing to step on people’s head and became rich.

“He is no fighter so he has no place to challenge me,” said the former deputy minister in charge of law.


