Making use of non-Malays, the Perkasa & Dr M way

Khoo Kay Peng

Dr Mahathir Mohamad tonight jumped into the debate over Kampung Baru’s proposed redevelopment, saying it must also involve the non-Malays.

The former prime minister pointed out that the inclusion of non-Malays will make Kampung Baru more attractive to not only foreigners but also local visitors.

“If not then the Malays won’t come because some of them think that Malays can’t do business. So we want to use the non-Malays as bait to lure more visitors,” said Dr M.

Ibrahim Ali said that the Malay rights group has always believed the involvement of non-Malays is important in bringing capital for investment.

“We have our stand that component projects such as hospital and hotel as we cannot rely on taxpayers money. We need investors so I don’t think it’s wrong if certain projects where non-Malays own 60 per cent. If not, then the redevelopment of Kampung Baru won’t be a reality because of the construction and value of the property. So who will buy? So we have to take [this into] account.

I read the statement from both politicians with a tinge of sadness. First, they want the non-Malays to be involved in the Kampung Baru redevelopment as a bait to lure more visitors. Second, these two are the same people who had viewed the non-Malays especially the Chinese Malaysians as a threat to the Malays.


