Survey: 1M’sia a bait to fish for votes

By Ken Vin Lek, Free Malaysia Today

BANGI: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak’s 1Malaysia brainchild is seen more as a bait to fish for votes instead of a sincere effort to unite the races.

According to a survey by Merdeka Centre, 46% of the non-Bumiputera respondents were of the opinion that the concept was to woo non-Malay voters while 39% felt that it was meant to unite the races.

On the issue of national unity, Malaysians were split with 48% agreeing that the country was becoming more united, 43% feeling otherwise, and 9% did not know or failed to respond to the question.

The two main issues that Malaysians felt divided the nation were political instability due to politicians bickering with one another and a lack of understanding and respect between the various races.

The poll was conducted between Jan 21 and April 26 this year. Merdeka Centre released the findings to the media this morning.

A total of 3,141 Malaysians aged 19 and above were interviewed across Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak comprising 51% Malays, 26% Chinese, 7% Indian, 9% other Muslim Bumiputeras and 7% non-Muslim Bumiputeras.


