Beware of Donald, warns Ibrahim

By Stephanie Sta Maria, Free Malaysia Today

Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali has issued a yellow alert on MCA vice-president Donald Lim following the latter’s call for a Chinese version of Perkasa yesterday.

“Donald is a dangerous man who is promoting racial tension among NGOs,” Ibrahim told FMT via text message. “Donald’s political lifespan is a mere six years as a senator. That he is seeking out a Chinese NGO to fight Perkasa is uncalled for.”

Donald had suggested that a Chinese version of Perkasa be established to counter the right-wing Malay group’s racial assaults and has set his sights on the Kuala Lumpur Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall to play this role.

He explained that it would be inappropriate for the MCA to take on such a responsibility as political parties and NGOs operate differently.

Ibrahim, who is also Pasir Mas MP, however, scorned Donald as “another desperate MCA leader” and warned that MCA can forget about enjoying the Malay votes if it continues its current leadership style.

Donald’s statement has lit up a number of posts on microblog Twitter with a few well-known personalities airing their views.

Petaling Jaya Utara MP, Tony Pua, wrote, “Thinks MCA still don’t get it, as Donald Lim calls for a ‘Chinese’ Perkasa. Its about ‘Malaysian’, not race.”


