Late night arrest over Altantuya blog posting

By Free Malaysia Today

REMBAU: Fifteen policemen swooped in and arrested PKR supreme council member Badrul Hisham Shaharin last night over a posting in his blog in relation to the mysterious murder of Mongolian Altantuya Shaariibuu in 2006.

It was understood that Badrul Hisham, who is also known as CheGu Bard, was about to convene his Rembau division meeting when he was arrested at 9pm last night. He was immediately taken to the police headquarters in Seremban for questioning.

Meanwhile, his house in Bukit Chedang in Seremban was also ransacked by police.

He was released at midnight on bail after police took down his statement.

It was learnt that police detained Badrul Hisham over the content of his blog posting and ceramah regarding the murder of Altantuya.

Badrul Hisham, who is also the author of “DiSebalik Misteri Pembunuhan Altantuya”, is being investigated under the Sedition Act.


