Perkasa has right to express views, says DPM

By Simon Khoo, The Star

ABUJA: The views of Malay rights group Perkasa do not represent the position of the Government, Deputy Prime Minister Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin said.

Muhyiddin said it was the right of a non-governmental organisation like Perkasa to express its views on certain issues to protect its interests.

“The same principle applies to other political parties which also have the right to make known its views. I don’t think the Govern­ment can direct either party to comply or toe the line.

“This is what democracy is all about but it should not reach a stage which could jeopardise peace and security,” he told Malaysian journalists at the end of the D8 (group of eight Islamic developing countries) Summit here on Thursday.

Muhyiddin was asked to comment on MCA and Perkasa members lodging police reports against each other.

Muhyiddin said the people must accept the fact that there would be differing views.

On the calls by several quarters to review the criteria for Public Services Department (PSD) scholarships, Muhyiddin said the formula adopted in awarding the scholarships was “fair to all” and was the decision of the Cabinet.

“We have given a detailed explanation and a decision was made based on the financial position of the Government,” he said, adding that the criteria would not be reviewed.
