Malay groups insist on race ratios for Federal scholarships


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(TMI) The Perkasa-led Malay Consultative Council (MPM) continued to peddle its pro-Malay agenda today by demanding the Najib administration’s new federal scholarship to be allocated according to the country’s racial breakdown.

MPM committee member Professor Datuk Dr Kamarudin Kachar said they welcomed Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s announcement that all students who scored 9A+ would obtain full PSD scholarships but there had to be “some adjustments” to the selection criteria.

“While we welcome the Prime Minister’s decision of a merit-based criteria to awarding scholarships, it must reflect the country’s racial ratio.

“The Malay population of this country is 67 per cent. That means 67 per cent of scholarships should be set aside for deserving Malays and Bumiputeras,” Kamarudin told reporters here.

Kamarudin claimed that preserving the country’s racial status quo was important to “ensure stability, harmony and to avoid conflict.”

MPM also told the government to ensure that academic excellence was not the only benchmark for the awarding of scholarships.

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