PAS shells Najib’s ‘Save Gaza’ dud at UN

By Free Malaysia Today

KUALA LUMPUR: PAS has criticised Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak over his failure to move a motion at the United Nations to resolve the Gaza issue. Party deputy president Mahfuz Omar said Malaysia’s ‘Save Gaza’ motion, which Najib took to the UN, was roundly rejected by the world, including the United States.

“He (Najib) should have been able to influence the UN with the support of his lobby company Apco (Worldwide) which is close to the Jews and America. But for some reason that did not happened,” he said at the sidelines of the “Watch the World Cup Finals with YBs” event this morning.

Mahfuz, who is also Pokok Sena MP, attributed this to Najib’s failure to lobby other countries who shared similar views on the crisis in Gaza before the motion was debated at the UN colloquium.

He said Najib should have moved the motion together with Turkey and other nations which have also disputed Israel’s actions.

“Why did we not offer a collective voice. Why did we not invite Turkey and the others to join us in our stand?” he asked.

The PAS leader also did not discount the possibility that Najib was in fact not able to further the issue because of Apco’s indirect ties with Israel and the US.

“It is a known fact that the firm (Apco) was once linked to two Israeli secret agents and it was also once an influential lobbyist in the US. I am certain they have whispered something about Gaza to Najib,” he said, reiterating his call for Najib to severe ties with Apco.

Israeli attack

On May 31, Israeli special forces stormed a flotilla of six ships carrying humanitarian aid for the blockaded Gaza Strip.

