‘Get rid of Nazri,’ says Ibrahim Ali

By Clara Chooi, The Malaysian Insider

KUALA LUMPUR, July 13 — Datuk Ibrahim Ali traded verbal blows with Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz over his jibe against Perkasa, saying that it was the minister who should be gotten rid of if Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) wanted to retain the people’s support.

In a text message to The Malaysian Insider this afternoon, the Perkasa president said Nazri’s statement had come from “someone who has lost the ability to think”.

“His statement is not worth entertaining as it has no value and it is a waste of time.

“So, get rid of Nazri if Umno and BN wants to retain the support of the people,” the outspoken independent Pasir Mas MP said, adding that Perkasa was just a non-governmental organisation and had nothing to lose.

Ibrahim was responding to Nazri’s statement to reporters this morning, suggesting that the controversial Malay rights group be gotten rid of for contravening the prime minister’s 1 Malaysia concept.

The fiery politician went on to deride the minister’s remarks as bringing “no value to BN”, before adding that Nazri would ultimately “make the Malays hate Umno more.”

Nazri is the first Umno leader who has issued such a strong statement against Perkasa, indicating that BN did not support or recognise the non-governmental organisation.

“We do not listen to just one person (Nazri). Perkasa members have the right to decide the way forward,” Ibrahim added. Perkasa’s popularity, he claimed, was also growing as it has now received membership forms from more than 200,000 people.

He even cheekily added “goodbye, Datuk Nazri” in his statement, indicating that the call from the minister in the prime minister’s department had done nothing to threaten him.


