Harakah Given Another Show-Cause Letter

By Bernama

PUTRAJAYA: The Home Ministry today gave the PAS party organ, Harakah, seven days to reply to its show-cause letter on the publication and distribution of the newspaper of which the permit had expired. The ministry’s secretary-general Mahmood Adam said the grace period to reply to the letter was from today, failing which stern action would be taken against Harakah including suspending its publication.

He said although PAS secretary-general Mustafa Ali and Harakah managing director Kamaruddin Jaafar came to the ministry today to explain Harakah’s case, the ministry still required a written explanation to facilitate its investigation.

The newspaper’s publication permit expired on July 7 and has not been renewed by the ministry until now.

On July 8, Harakah was given a show-cause letter for the delay in submitting eight copies of each issue to the ministry, and for selling the newspaper to non-PAS members and outside the areas allowed.

On the defiance of PKR to still publish its party organ but with a new look, Mahmood said to the ministry it was still Suara Keadilan and its publication and distribution were illegal and action could be taken against it.

The publication permit of Suara Keadilan expired on June 30 and has not been renewed by the ministry.

“The ministry’s legal division is looking at what action can be taken against Suara Keadilan and the matter will be discussed at a meeting tonight,” Mahmood said.

The ministry learnt today that PKR’s new version of its party organ named “Keadilan” to replace Suara Keadilan, was distributed free to the public around the Masjid Jamek area and still playing up the Felda issue.

It is published by PKR Youth, representing the party.

Meanwhile, a police report was lodged today against Suara Keadilan over its continued publication although its permit had expired.

The Home Ministry’s deputy secretary-general Abdul Rahim Mohd Radzi said in a media statement that the report was made at 8pm at the Putrajaya district police headquarters under the Official Secrets Act 1972 (Act 88).

Abdul Rahim said although its permit had expired on June 30, Suara Keadilan failed to reply or explain the contents of the two show-cause letters issued to it by the ministry.

“In fact, those behind its publication have repeatedly challenged the government and have continued to publish the newspaper,” he said.
