The Brilliance of Bernama & Suara Double Standards / fairly current: Hilman Idham (UKM 4), political science student

It was such a slow news week, we even started scanning Bernama (Berita Nasional Malaysia) for inspiration… and we found the news stories there more than a little biased. GASP!

We also take a look at the controversies surrounding the provocative headlines published in Suara Keadilan (FELDA BANKRAP) and the newly-launched Suara Perkasa (TAHAN KA SIONG BAWAH ISA), as well as the Twitter-ati’s responses to the hoo-ha.  And finally, our 2010 World Cup correspondent Kubhaer T. Jethwani scored us some exclusive footage from South Africa!

Watch it here:

The Fairly Current Show #104:  Hilman Idham, UKM 4

The Malaysian student movement, which was extremely vocal and visible in the 60’s, began slowing down when the 1971 University and University Colleges Act (UUCA, or AUKU in BM) came into effect.  Yet of late, student activism and campus politics has regained traction among undergraduates, who participate at the risk of expulsion. This presents a peculiar situation especially for those who study Political Science, who are only supposed to view from afar the political goings-on in this country.

To discuss the current state of the student movement, and why any student would want to be political, we speak with student activist Hilman Idham.  Watch it here:

Hilman Idham is the founder and president of Kumpulan Aktivis Mahasiswa Independen (KAMI), a member of the Majlis Pimpinan Front Solidariti Mahasiswa Malaysia (SMM), and the President of the Persatuan Mahasiswa Sains Politik (PMSP-UKM).

Enjoy, embed, forward!

