MP Zahrain Hashim is Anwar’s Problem

Khoo Kay Peng

Zahrain Hashim was the head of UMNO Jelutong and he was heading to the list of rejects before his political career was resurrected by Anwar Ibrahim in the 12th general election.

His victory in the last general election made him big headed and he was alleged to have demanded perks from the state government including a management contract of a golf course through a company allegedly linked to him.

When all his demands were denied, although he was made a head of a PDC linked company, Zahrain turned against his allies and party leaders, Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Guan Eng.

Recently, Zahrain handed over written evidence of Raja Petra’s stay in London to Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz. His voters would have expected Zahrain to hand in evidence which might help to curb or expose corruption and other serious wrongdoings. Alas, Zahrain is only interested in his own battle.

PKR can castigate Zahrain all they want but the party de facto leader cannot run away from shouldering some responsibility for bringing people like Zahrain into the party and make him head its state organization.


