Sand Mining: Don’t challenge Muhyiddin la Khalid … read this first


The illegal sand mining is happened in yours state Tan Sri, so as a Menteri Besar you should handle it yourself.. the State is yours not Muhyiddin.. he is ours TPM, he have a lot of job to do, don’t you bother him.

By Anak Sungai Derhaka

On July 13 Muhyiddin Yassin had blamed Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim for what he said was a water crisis and widespread illegal sand mining in Selangor.

He claimed the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) mentri besar’s “lack of leadership” had resulted in illegal sand mining becoming more serious in the state.

“It (illegal sand mining) needs to be stopped immediately,” he told reporters after officiating the second Asean Schools Games at the Kuala Lumpur Football Stadium today.

Muhyddin said the onus was now on the state government to reveal the real situation.

And today 14 July, The Malaysian Insider had reported The Selangor Mentri Besar challenged Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin today to act against illegal sand mining in the state, since the “deputy prime minister said it was easy,” as Barisan Nasional (BN) continued its relentless attacks on the Pakatan Rakyat (PR) administration.

Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim said he had written to Muhyiddin and had forwarded all information about illegal sand mining in Selangor so that the DPM and Umno deputy president could take action.

“Since he said it’s easy to do it, so I thought he got the magic formula. I might as well use it,” said Khalid today. Full article read here.

Hmmm.. I have no comment on Muhyiddin statement since I agreed with him, he is right when he said illegal sand mining needs to be stopped immediately.

I have some comment for The Selangor Mentri Besar Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim, for me Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim is wasting his time to challenged Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin to take action against illegal sand mining in the state of Selangor.

The illegal sand mining is happened in yours state Tan Sri, so as a Menteri Besar you should handle it yourself.. the State is yours not Muhyiddin.. he is ours TPM, he have a lot of job to do, don’t you bother him.

You want to know why I said you should handle it yourself ka MB?

This will happened if you let Muhyiddin handle this issue and depend on him.. read below.. three years already la MB..

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