Khairy: Stop wasting your time on Anwar. Go for Mukhriz if you still want to be in politics

The fact is that you have been castrated by Mahathir and are impotent as far as UMNO politics is concerned. Though you are the UMNO Youth chief, you are a nobody in the Malaysian Cabinet and even UMNO. You do not wield any power and are unable to make any headway in UMNO.

By Just Gan

Khairy, we understand why you keep picking on frivolous and unsubstantiated criticisms of Anwar and Pakatan Rakyat. You have become irrelevant and can no longer command the attention of the UMNO owned Malaysian media. Your only hope to be mentioned in the media is by uttering stupid and irrelevant statements about Anwar and Pakatan. That quickly gets reported in the Malaysian media and you can pretend that you are still relevant to UMNO and have a political future.

The fact is that you have been castrated by Mahathir and are impotent as far as UMNO politics is concerned. Though you are the UMNO Youth chief, you are a nobody in the Malaysian Cabinet and even UMNO. You do not wield any power and are unable to make any headway in UMNO. Mahathir exposed you in the UMNO Youth elections as a corrupt candidate. You won but remain a tainted UMNO youth chief.

In contrast your rival Mukhriz, Mahathir’s son, was not even charged for corruption, was elected as a VP of UMNO youth and  is now a deputy minister in Najib’s cabinet. Is Mukhriz the clean uncorrupted candidate while you are the corrupt one? If you do nothing to change this perception at least in UMNO, you would have proven Mahathir right not only in that you are corrupt but are also politically impotent.

Your choice is clear if you want to have a future in politics. You need to expose Mukhriz’s corruption, stupidity, racism and incompetence. You can’t take on Mahathir (you are no David to challenge the evil Goliath, you are not even a minnow compared to the dirty evil shark Mahathir) but you can certainly take on Mukhriz who is more your size. Bring him down and you will have a future in UMNO. Expose Mukhriz and you would have proven to Najib and the rest of UMNO that you still have a bite and can no longer be ignored. You have to fight this one on your own; your sleepy father-in-law is no longer PM and does not have any influence or power or even the intellect to make a sensible statement.

So far, your actions and words have largely been stupid, meaningless and at times racist. Your stupid statements, racist actions and unscrupulous behavior are bringing shame to Oxford. Are you really an Oxford graduate or did you do some Ali Baba trick to cheat the world-famous institution into granting you a degree? If you really are an Oxford graduate, rise from the UMNO filth and adhere to the noble tradition and character of graduates from Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard and other such prestigious institutions. For a start, expose Mukhriz, your real enemy and one of the enemies of the Rakyat. Bring down Mukhriz and you would have brought down Mahathir and all his sycophants and cronies in UMNO. If you can’t do this, stop wasting your time in UMNO. Get out and do something meaningful for your family and the country.
