Local council elections: Pakatan’s credibilty at stake

I want to ask a simple question to Pakatan leaders. If you cannot keep a promise like the local council elections, do you think people are going to trust you when you make your next promise?

By Mike Yeoh

Keith Khoo in his letter to FMT said Pakatan is a cheap BN clone after Pakatan failed to honour its promise to hold local council elections. He was reacting to Gerakan’s Tan Keng Liang’s view that Pakatan Rakyat looks like it is going to break its pledge on local council elections.

Selangor is now in the process of appointing its local councillors. Even before finalising the list, there’s already fighting and lobbying for the posts.  Is this the type of Pakatan Rakyat we voted for in last general election?

People are now confused whether Pakatan is going to hold local council elections but the issue here is not just about the elections. It’s the credibility of Pakatan that is now at stake.

It is a fact that Pakatan, especially PKR, is losing people’s support. The move by Selangor under PKR is making things worse.

I want to ask a simple question to Pakatan leaders. If you cannot keep a promise like the local council elections, do you think people are going to trust you when you make your next promise?
