FBI conference: ‘Now, who’s American agent?’

(Free Malaysia Today) – Mention the CIA and Mossad and immediately those spy agencies will whip up a storm of anger in Malaysia. But now comes the FBI – and the American agency is creating the same public furore. The FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) is conducting its 13th National Academy Associates Asia-Pacific conference here – and it promptly ran into flak from a Muslim group. The five-day meeting starts tomorrow.

Solidarati Anak Muda Malaysia, which claimed that Malaysia is hosting the FBI conference, said the event only confirmed that the government was colluding with “those who oppress” Muslims.

Its chief Badrul Hisham Shaharin questioned the hypocrysy of Umno, which recently accused PKR adviser Anwar Ibrahim of being an American agent but is now playing host to the FBI.

The FBI is an agency of the US States Department that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence arm (read: spying).

“The FBI is a militant branch of the US government which wants to enforce American hegemony on other countries.

“It’s totally shameful that our high-ranking police officers are working in cahoots with the US police who oppress Muslims in the US,  kill civilians in Afghanistan and Iraq and spy on Muslims who struggle for justice and freedom.

“The FBI is one of the ‘operation’ tools that gives a negative perception of Muslim as terrorists”, said Badrul Hisham.

He urged the government to immediately abort the conference and cancel any understanding it has to send Malaysian police or army personnel for training in the US.

“Why are we sending our police officers to the US for training? We should send them to countries like India, Sweden, Iran that don’t have a hegemony agenda,” he said.

Subtler message

According to Badrul Hisham, the FBI National Academy trains senior policemen in the US and also from other countries, including Malaysia, Indonesia, Egpyt, Saudi Arabia, Israel.

“Even though the training involves developing law and enforcement skills, the subtler message is the indoctrination of US perceptions on global issues.

“For example, the trainees will be grilled on the importance and need to combat global terrorism. Freedom movements like Hezbollah, Hamas and those who revolt against US presence in Afghanistan are categorised as terrorists,” said Badrul Hisham, who is popularly known as Chegubard.

He said according to the FBI website, the trainees will be brought to visit the Holocaust Museum at Washington DC as part of their “moral and ethical” training.

“It is certain that the agenda is to influence them to sympathise with Israel in its war against the Palestinians.

“The training at the National Academy constitutes one of US policies to influence high-ranking police and army officers, judges, MPs and NGOs to safeguard US interests. In Afghanistan, the FBI is training hundreds of Afghanistan police to make sure they will continue American policies once the US leaves Afghanistan,” Badrul Hisham said.

He said the US focus in this region was on Indonesia, which has the highest population of Muslims, and is expected to play an important role in international affairs in the near future.

“Recently, the chief justice of Indonesia signed a memorandum of understanding with the East-West Centre in Honolulu to train judges, prosecutors, police and representatives from its human rights commission on how to improve the Indonesian judicial system in relation to human rights issues,” he said.


