Malaysian Experts on Islam: Wearing Symbols of Other Religions is Badwrong

Based on the same principle, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and so on should no longer wear clothing with the Malaysian flag on it, as the flag includes the Islamic crescent.

By Scott Thong

From The Star 19 July 2010:

Football jerseys Muslims should not wear

KOSMO! carried a report about Muslims who wittingly or unwittingly wear football jerseys which display images of crosses, liquor brands and devils.

Johor Religious Council adviser Datuk Nooh Gadot said wearing such jerseys were forbidden in Islam.

“It is as if Muslims are worshipping and exalting the symbols of other religions. Islam does not compromise on this matter, regardless of whether it is worn for fun, fashion or sport,” he said.

Perak Mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria agreed with Nooh and said although Islam did not forbid its followers from participating in sports or dressing up, it has to be done within the boundaries of Islamic law.

Among the football teams whose crests carry images of the cross are Brazil, Portugal, Serbia, Barcelona and Norway, while Manchester United carries the “Red Devil” slogan on its team crest.

I suppose this means that Muslim citizens of the UK, Denmark, Finland, Jamaica, Switzerland and so on can no longer bear their country’s flag.

Crusader symbol!!!

Also based on the same principle, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus and so on should no longer wear clothing with the Malaysian flag on it, as the flag includes the Islamic crescent. The same goes for Singaporeans. Ironically, despite living in the most populous Muslim nation in the world, non-Muslim Indonesians have no problem here as their flag is religiously neutral.

All non-Muslims should also immediately quit the Red Crescent Society, as serving in it involves wearing a symbol of a religion other than their own.

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