Pakatan to zero in on Taib’s wealth

By Joseph Tawie, Free Malaysia Today

KUCHING: Sarawak’s Chief Minister Abdul Taib Mahmud’s leadership and the exposure of his family’s overseas properties will be one of the main campaign issues to be used in the coming state election.

In the past month or so, Taib’s and that of his family’s properties in Canada, America, Australia and England worth billions of ringgit have been exposed by websites and blogs.

“Taib’s rule of Sarawak and his properties overseas have been discussed in detail in our election courses in Kuching,” said Mustaffa Kamil Ayub, chairman of Keadilan Academy.

“These issues will form the core issues of our campaign strategy in the coming state election,” he added.

“Our branch leaders need to know all the issues so that they can inform the rakyat, especially those in the rural areas,” said Mustaffa.

“The rakyat have been fooled and threatened, so it is our duty to inform them about the truth and, at the same time, to instil courage against BN’s culture of fear.

“The people are smarter now and they can judge for themselves. There are a number of ways how we can disseminate this information; some by leaflets and others by conventional methods,” he said.

Mustaffa returned to Kuala Lumpur today after organising election courses in Kuching, which were attended by grassroots and branch leaders of the party.

The academy is tasked with organising 10 principal programmes to build a firmly-grounded and dynamic future for Keadilan, which has the potential and capacity to shape Malaysian political history by promoting the spirit of reform, a new culture and a new style of politics.

‘Voters smarter now’

On PKR’s election preparation, Mustaffa said the party is well-prepared to face the election and is likely to contest more than half of the 71 state seats.

“PKR is expected to be the biggest party in Pakatan Rakyat contesting in the polls,” he said.

