Malay Chamber wants 30pc guarantee for open tenders

By Shazwan Mustafa Kamal, The Malaysian Insider

The Malay Chamber of Commerce (DPMM) demanded today that the Najib administration ensure 30 per cent of government open tenders remain “guaranteed” for Bumiputera businessmen.

DPMM president Syed Ali Alattas said that while the chamber backed Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak’s 10th Malaysia Plan (10MP), the welfare and development of Bumiputeras needed to be taken care of.

“Under the 10th Malaysia Plan, RM63 billion will be used for development plans… hopefully all the contracts will be done via open tender.”

“I urge the government to give a minimum of 30 per cent of these tenders to Bumiputeras… 30 per cent is the minimum. Hopefully there is more,” said Syed Ali.

He told reporters that the 10MP needed to identify the “roles that can be played by Malay entrepreneurs in 12 main economic fields”.

“(For example) there are concessions… it is a popular but difficult area. With RM63 billion to be spent, we hope to get 30 per cent of that,” he said.


