Oil industry ordered to use CIMB for all transactions

(FMT) KUALA LUMPUR: The federal government’s latest move to order all oil and fuel-related trade transactions to go through CIMB has raised the ire of PAS.

A disgusted deputy party president Salahuddin Ayub described the move as unnecessary.

“Why is Najib doing this? Is it because the CEO is the prime minister’s brother, and so all Shell distributors must use the auto-debit with CIMB?” asked Salahuddin yesterday.

It is understood that the mandatory directive takes effect on Sept 1, 2010.

Salahuddin said from the complaints received, the complainants prefer to do their transaction via cheques, cash or use Maybank’s services or any other bank that is closer to their respective station for safety reasons.

He said even Petronas Dagangan Bhd (PDB) was not so rigid in its debit payment for oil because of safety and convenience of petrol station owners.

He said the latest order by the Najib administration is inconveniencing the station owners in view of the fact that CIMB has limited services while Maybank is “everywhere”.


Read more at: http://www.freemalaysiatoday.com/fmt-english/politics/barisan-nasional/8138-oil-industry-ordered-to-use-cimb-for-all-transactions
