Perak Mufti: I didn’t lie about meetings with PAS, Umno leaders

(Bernama) – Perak Mufti Tan Sri Harussani Zakaria has denied allegations by two PAS vice-presidents that he had lied about PAS and Umno leaders having met him to seek his opinion on uniting the two political parties.

“I am a mufti. Certainly I won’t lie, it’s just that I don’t want to name the people who had come to meet me so, I did not lie. If they want to accuse me of lying, that’s up to them.

“What is important is whether they are Muslims or not…whether they are championing the cause of Islam or not, why collaborate with others,” he said after attending a meeting between Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak and the Fatwa Committee of the National Council For Islamic Religious Affairs here on Tuesday.

The press has reported allegations by two PAS vice-presidents, Salahuddin Ayub and Datuk Mahfuz Omar concerning Harussani’s statement that PAS and Umno leaders had approached him to seek his views on uniting Umno and PAS.

They said the PAS leadership had never issued any official directive, especially at the party’s highest committee, to meet Harussani to discuss the issue.

Harussani said the meeting certainly took place although the representative who had come to meet him was not sent by PAS officially, but was a party leader holding a senior post.

He said there were also senior Umno leaders who had seen him.

“I too don’t understand because the meeting was merely to defend Islam and the Malays. Why make various accusations and show their anger?” he asked.

Harussani said he was speaking in the interests of the Malays and Islam, adding that if the Malays were divided, Islam would also disintegrate.

